Article: Community Services career switch
Community Services career switch “best decision I ever made”.
A huge career change... from corporate to community services, has led to Katrina finding happiness both at work and in life….and now feeling like her job really “matters”.
Katrina Turner didn’t understand why she felt so empty. “I'd done everything you're supposed to do in life”, she confided. "Good marks, double degree…I even landed a great job with a global software firm, but deep down inside, I knew it just wasn’t for me as a career."
"I realised I needed to be doing something more human…..and that a job examining corporate revenues and profits was never going to make me happy. I wanted to make a difference, a real one."
“It's funny…..because two completely separate people who had reached a very similar career crisis point to me recommended I try enrolling in the Community Services Cert IV course at Northern Beaches & Mosman College (NBMC) .”
"They told me I’d meet like-minded and amazing people and the trainer was pretty fantastic too… of course I enrolled…..and yes….it all turned out to be 100% true."
"It’s pretty inspiring to have classmates with such a passion for helping humanity…even though we’re all interested in quite different areas. Some really wanted to get into counselling work, others to work with domestic violence victims, others the mental health area or the area of children at risk and others wanted to work with people with disabilities."
“If you want to dip your toes into this type of work…this course is absolutely perfect,” Katrina enthuses (the course runs for just 1 night a week for 12 months.)
“The content is extremely relevant. I also love that I didn't have to commit to an expensive degree that would have taken years.”
In terms of what the future holds, Katrina doesn’t hold back her unbridled enthusiasm.
"I have landed a fantastic job with the not for profit sector helping people with intellectual disabilities find employment."
"One person at a time, I am making a huge impact, and that feels pretty good."
"I believe you should never stop learning OR be scared to make dramatic changes. At the end of the day, it’s all about your own happiness…so my choice to switch to a job where I can give back is definitely one of the best decisions I’ve ever made."
If you are interested in more information check out the course below:
Written by Virginia Mounsey (advertorial)