Learning to Map your Nervous System & Tools for Emotional Regulation - Northern Beaches Community College

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Learning to Map your Nervous System & Tools for Emotional Regulation

Course Overview

In this fast-paced busy world we sometimes don’t take enough time for ourselves. That can result in anxiety, anger, depression or not responding to others in the way we want to. This 8 week class will help you get to know your nervous system and identify your pattern of responses and the things that will help regulate your emotions.  There is a little bit of theory but this is mostly a practical class that involves mapping your individual nervous system. We will then look at the different ways that people respond to triggers and how an awareness of their nervous system can help them respond in new ways. We will also learn regulating activities that stimulate the vagus nerve, resulting in calming the nervous system. The format of this class is often referred to as psycho-education. It is not therapy, though many people may find it therapeutic to apply their learning to their own situation.

 Each participant will map their own nervous system and build up a folder of resources that they can take home and use in their life forevermore. No-one has to share any personal details in the class as each person will be working on their own map, with Melanie providing examples. Worksheets are provided.

What to Bring:

  • Coloured pens, pencils or textas. 
  • A folder to keep the weekly handouts in.

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.