Art Therapy - Northern Beaches Community College

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Art Therapy

Course Outline

If you find yourself grappling with anxiety, depression, confusion, panic, uncertainty, insomnia, isolation, or disconnection, Chevonne is facilitating Art Therapy to offer support and assistance on your mental health journey. Perhaps you are simply curious about what art therapy is.

Chevonne is a qualified Art Therapist committed to helping you alleviate the mental health challenges you may be facing. She extends an invitation for you to participate in an Art Therapy program, where you can experience the following advantages:

  • Alleviates Anxiety and Depression: Engage in creative arts therapy to lighten the burden of anxiety and depression, fostering a healthier mental state.
  • Builds Resilience: This program focuses on nurturing your resilience, enabling you to confront life's obstacles with adaptability.
  • Secure and Non-Judgmental Environment: This program provides a safe and non-judgmental space where you can freely express yourself, creating an atmosphere of safety and comfort.
  • Promotes Optimal Mental Health and Wellbeing: The objective is to guide you toward optimal mental health and overall wellbeing, assisting you in achieving a balanced and fulfilling life.

No artistic skills are necessary; the focus lies on the therapeutic benefits of creative expression.

Session 1:

Content Focus: What is Art Therapy

What to expect:

  • Introduction
  • Creative prompt where participants will be artmaking
  • Group sharing

Session 2:

Content Focus: Self Care

What to expect:

  • Quiet time to reflect
  • Collaging
  • Group sharing

Session 3

Content Focus: Mind body awareness

What to expect:

Participate in a calming meditation that guides your focus to your physical body in the present moment. People can go the majority of their lives not being aware of how their body presents symptoms and signals. Throughout this session you will be guided to visually express this awareness in a creative way which can lead to some invaluable discoveries.

Session 4

Content Focus: Managing Grief and Loss

You may be grieving or have experienced a loss of some kind. Perhaps someone close to you has faced a loss recently and you don't know how to approach the topic. This session breaks apart the assumptions that people have about loss. How do we manage something so personal and deeply felt? You will be invited to engage with a creative process that is appropriate for anyone managing grief or loss.

Session 5

Exploring conditions: Anxiety

What to expect:

  • Quiet time to reflect
  • Neurographic art
  • Group sharing

Session 6

Exploring Conditions: Depression

What to expect:

  • Quiet time to reflect
  • Collaging
  • Group sharing

Session 7

Content Focus: Personal Awareness

What to expect:

Participants will have access to the process called Johari Window. A practical approach to building your self-awareness and understanding your bias. This is a self-development exercise.

Session 8

Content Focus: Reflections and Celebrations

What to expect:

Connect with the group and share thoughts, reflections and value of the sessions throughout the term.

What to Bring:

  • Medium size Art book
  • Watercolour pens & pencils

This course has no current classes. Please the waiting list.