Smart and Skilled is a NSW Government program that helps people get qualifications in in-demand skills and industries. Under Smart and Skilled the NSW Government contributes to the cost of an approved course with the eligible student paying the balance.
From 1 January 2015, Smart and Skilled has provided eligible students with:
NBMC is pleased to offer, under Smart & Skilled, the following qualifications which may be subsidised or fee free depending upon eligibility :
Note1: the number of places offered is subject to funding availability.
Note2: Courses above noting “NSW FF” are offered under NSW Fee Free to those who meet the eligibility for Smart & Skilled. Funded places are usually released at the beginning of each semester and are limited.
To be eligible for Smart & Skilled you must be:
Fees apply for your selected program. The fee amount you pay and the government contribution depends upon your eligibility. The courses are subsidised for all eligible participants with a further concession rate available for those in receipt of some Commonwealth benefits. The schedule of fees can be accessed here
If you are in receipt of an eligible commonwealth benefit or allowance (see below), we will need documentation from you which will assist us in calculating your Fee or your eligibility for fee exemption.
If you apply for Recognition of Prior Learning or Credit Transfer the qualification price will be adjusted and a new student fee will be determined.
Fee Free Scholarships may be available to:
(Note: eligibility documentation will be required)
• Age Pension
• Carer Payment (see comment below)
• Farm Household Allowance
• Jobseeker Payment
• Special Benefit
• Veterans’ Children Education Scheme
• Austudy
• Disability Support Pension
• Family Tax Benefit Part A (maximum rate
• Parenting Payment (Single)
• Veterans’ Affairs Pensions
• Widow Allowance
• Youth Allowance
Note: The Carer Payment is a specific benefit paid by the Commonwealth Government; this category does not include the Carer Allowance or Carer Adjustment Payment.
A Fee Free Scholarship may also be available to the following eligible students, undertaking a qualification up to and including Certificate IV
o Concession eligible aged between 15 to 30 years (or the dependant of a person in receipt of an eligible concession)
o A person aged between 15 to 30 years who is or was in Out of Home Care
o A person who is experiencing or has experienced domestic and family violence or their dependant
• A refugee or asylum seeker on one of the specified visas listed in the Smart and Skilled Fee Administration Policy
(Note: eligibility documentation will be required)
Many of the qualifications from Certificate III level and higher, listed above, can be studied through a traineeship pathway. The administration fee for new entrant traineeships has been reduced to $0 with effect from 1 January 2020. An employer and trainee could also receive Government incentive payments.
Let Northern Beaches & Mosman College work with you to build your workforce! For more information contact 9970 1000 or click here.
The following documents give you further important information about your study at the College under Smart & Skilled including fee information, privacy, consumer protection information, deferral or discontinuance of training, students’ rights and obligations, access to support and assistance and contact details for various support services:
NBMC Student Handbook
Smart & Skilled Student Information Handbook
Smart & Skilled Consumer Protection Policy & Strategy
Smart & Skilled Fee & Refund Policy
Smart & Skilled Fee Administration Policy – DEC
Smart & Skilled Consumer Protection Policy – DEC
Assessment Submission Procedure
Applications for courses can be made via this website. Once an application has been received, a Training Coordinator will be in touch to progress your application further.
For more information please contact the College on 9970 1000 or email
For information on Smart & Skilled please visit The Smart & Skilled Website.
Smart & Skilled enquiries/complaints tel 13 28 11 or email
This training is subsidised by the NSW Government.
Northern Beaches Community College Limited t/a Northern Beaches & Mosman College
Registered Training Organisation – National ID 90113
Northern Beaches Community College Ltd t/a Northern Beaches & Mosman College. Nationally accredited qualifications, work & computer skills, lifestyle RTO ID 90113