




Lisa has had a life long involvement and passion for movement. She originally trained and worked as a professional dancer.  She opened DJAZZEX Dance and Pilates in 1994 and ran the business for 23 years until 2017.

In 2005 she applied for and won a scholarship to become a Certificate IV Pilates Instructor with Pilates International.  She completed her Diploma of Professional Pilates Practice in 2008 and her Advanced Diploma of Professional Pilates Practice in 2010. Lisa has completed specialist training in conditioning for dance as well as a mentorship program with Karen Clippenger MSPE, Professor at Long Beach University.  She has also undertaken further training with Paula Baird Colt, conditioning expert with the Australian Ballet.

Lisa is passionate about the benefits of movement for the body and spirit. She believes you can always improve in what you do and continues to study to improve her knowledge, skills and qualifications as a teacher of Dance and Pilates. She holds a current first aid Certificate and is VETAB Accredited to teach Ballet and Jazz to Certificate IV Dance Performance Studies or HSC studies. She is a member of Ausdance, Australian Dance Vision and the Pilates Alliance Australasia.