Ross realised he had a skill gap when he got a job at a small company. The course he found at NBMC has inspired him to plan for a business of his own.

Anybody who wants to start a business, buy a business or just have the skills to work in small business should do this course,” says Ross Farrell enthusiastically.

says Ross Farrel enthusiastically

My classmates were aged from their early 20’s to early 50’s … but they all had a similar goal…they wanted to be their own boss.

Ross already had 12 years of sales retail experience under his belt at big retail chains…but with his new job at a company with a mere 4 people in it…came a tidal wave of unfamiliar decisions. Feeling out of his depth, he sought out advice.

Surprisingly it was my dad who recommended I do a course at Northern Beaches & Mosman College (NBMC). He was impressed at how professional they were when he did a course there himself.

Ross recently finished the New Small Business course there and couldn’t be happier. “The teachers added so much value because they actually all ran businesses of their own.

I’m much more effective in my job now. I’m more strategic, more confident, and I think about the bigger picture instead of just the short term customer problem in front of me. I’m constantly asking ‘Why are we doing this?’ ‘What’s the gross profit?’ ‘How does this new product fit into our current range?

Business planning was a favourite topic of mine…can you tell ?

Ross added it was pretty useful to cover essentials such as bookkeeping, payroll, accounting and customer service. (even though he thought he already knew a lot about customer service.) “Not surprisingly I’ve now set a goal to start up on my own in the next few years. The course is great in that it encourages you to ask ‘what would I do differently if this was my business?’” When you ask that enough times it gives you the confidence to say “I could actually do this.” Ross’s last word is that you get a lot out of it no matter what your goals. “The course looks good on a resume if you are looking for self improvement. It can set you apart from the other candidates. So my advice would be to just do it. It’s worth it just for that!

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